No access to an outside water tap?
How do you clean your car if you live in a flat or your parking space is nowhere near a water source?
Also your water is metered and you don’t really want to have to carry buckets of water, down stairs, across the road or the carpark until you reach your car.
Most people in this situation pay for an autowash at the garage or pay for valeting when shopping (when they are available).
The cheaper, quicker and easier solution is to use a waterless car washing product. Many people don’t even realise it’s possible to have such a product. Car fanatics often think you can’t clean your car properly without water – you can. People also mistakingly believe a no water product will scratch their car – ours won’t. Greased Lightning Showroom Shine makes it simple. Only two microfibre cloths and a bottle of our star product is all you need to give your car that professional shine and added protection from the elements with the integrated carnauba wax. No extra-long hoses or buckets of water needed. Your car can look professionally cleaned with just one simple product and no water – also making it the sustainable choice.
Interested? Have a look at our previous blog post about how the waterless car wash works and see how it could transform your car care routine – with no water access necessary.

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